One Nucleus presents ON Helix 2025:
New Horizons for Bio Innovation
3 July 2025 | Cambridge, UK
Our one-day conference addresses key bio innovation trends, from developments in life science and technology research to their translation into new diagnostics, prevention tools or treatments.
Event Benefits
ON Helix Event Benefits
ON Helix offers a high content mix of plenary talks and panels from key opinion leaders, Exhibition area, assembling an array of exhibitors; all great examples of helping to enable the translation of ideas into better patient outcomes. ON Helix also provides:
Delegates to network with1-2-1
Virtual meetings with delegatesFringe
ON Helix Fringe events and in-person networkingDelivered for the Life Science community by One Nucleus
Headline Sponsor
Event Sponsors

Media Supporters

ON Helix is the annual showcase of Life Sciences in the Eastern Region. One Nucleus never fails to deliver a fantastic conference with top tier speakers who give insightful views into challenges and trends which are current in the sector. The attendees are from every area of the sector – if you are involved in Life Sciences in East Anglia, you should be there.
– James Fry, Partner and Head of Life Sciences, Mills & Reeve

The Venue
Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge
ON Helix takes place in the Cambridge Building on the Babraham Research Campus, a leading location supporting early-stage bioscience enterprise and bioscience companies along with the world leading discovery research of the Babraham Institute. We look forward to welcoming you there!