Conference Programme

New Horizons for Bio Innovation

4 July 2024

Our Programme

Keynote Presentations & Panel Discussions

Enjoy a day of Keynote Presentations and Panel discussions, plus the Exhibition Area and networking opportunities.

In the dynamic landscape of improving patient outcomes, New Horizons refers to the advances in diagnostics, technology, therapeutics and ecosystems that are enabling future innovation in patient treatments.



Jon Green, One Nucleus

New Horizons for Therapeutic Modalities

Our opening session New Horizons for Therapeutic Modalities will explore advances in emerging fields such as gene therapies and RNA therapeutics while also addressing the associated challenges from regulatory to biological and chemical considerations to support the future of these treatment modalities.

  • Keynote presentation: Kia Pedersen, COO, Pelago Bioscience
  • Pitches from two exciting companies to watch: Amir Hefni, Resolution Therapeutics, Madeleine Wakeling, Harness Therapeutics
  • Panel discussion:
    Moderator: Hugh Nuthall, Eli Lilly
    Panellists: Benjamin Taylor, AstraZeneca, Kia Pedersen, Pelago Bioscience, Amir Hefni, Resolution Therapeutics, Madeleine Wakeling, Harness Therapeutics, Davide De Lucrezia, Officinae Bio

Morning Coffee and Networking Break

New Horizons for Biomarker Technologies

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Biomarkers are a very valuable tool in translational research offering significant opportunity for advances in diagnostics, therapeutics and personalised healthcare. Our session will explore biomarker applications and complexities associated with inventions in this field including:

  • Keynote presentation: Chris Hodkinson, VP Business Development, Owlstone Medical
  • Pitches from two exciting companies to watch: Mark Eccleston, Volition, Jenny Barnett, Monument Therapeutics
  • Panel discussion:
    Moderator: Edward Rainsford, Appleyard Lees
    Panellists: Yue Xuan, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Mark Eccleston, Volition, Jenny Barnett, Monument Therapeutics, Chris Hodkinson, Owlstone Medical, Johannes Stanta, Celerion

Lunch and Networking

TechBio – Is it Truly Simplifying Complexity?

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TechBio is impacting the drug discovery and development process in different ways. Along with a showcase of companies leveraging cutting edge data-driven techniques, our session will tackle the question of whether the outcomes are indeed better featuring:

  • Keynote presentation: Empowering FAIR Data Practices with CDD Vault: Bridging Automation and Digitalisation in ResearchSusana Tomasio, Collaborative Drug Discovery
  • Pitches from two exciting companies to watch: Naveen Kaushik, Zenzero, Carina Kern, LinkGevity
  • Panel discussion:
    Moderator: Rowan Gardner, PrecisionLife
    Panellists: Carina Kern, LinkGevity, Cam Watson, Nuclera, Naveen Kaushik, Zenzero, Susana Tomasio, Collaborative Drug Discovery

Afternoon Coffee and Networking Break

Translational Research in a Global Village

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The closing session will reflect on the political and institutional relationships driving the UK life science sector’s growth as a global bio-innovation location featuring:

  • Panel discussion on Learning from Boston Bootcamp
    Moderator: Ross McNaughton, Taylor Wessing
    Panellists: Katie Binley, Ikarovec, Matthew Fyfe, Storm Therapeutics, Mike Davies, Carocell Bio, Hazel Jones, Enhanc3D Genomics
  • Keynote presentationOrestis Tzortzoglou, BioMed Realty
  • Panel discussion on Connecting Global Innovation
    Moderator: Barbara Domayne-Hayman, The Francis Crick Institute
    Panellists: Kathryn Chapman, Babraham Research Campus, Michel De Baar, MSD, Phil Spearpoint, EY-Parthenon, Claire Thompson, Agility Life Sciences, Orestis Tzortzoglou, BioMed Realty

Closing Remarks

Tony Jones, One Nucleus

Networking Drinks Reception


Programme is subject to change